Saturday, May 25, 2013


Emergency 911 phone calls.  Now a part of our news coverage.  Hysterical people in moments of crisis.

News?  Hardly.

Disturbing? Totally.

Educational?  Debatable.  This is only reason I would think that these would be aired.  What to do in a moment of crisis.

I know the operators have stressful jobs, but I am consistently amazed that they don't understand the caller and make them repeat things-that sound clear to me, even when voiced by a hysterical person in a moment of crisis.

"There's a guy with a gun outside the building."

"Is he in the building?"

I'm not making light of this in my usual sarcastic manner.  Still disturbed.  And If I were the caller, would I want this broadcast?  Sure, go ahead and use it as evidence in a trial.   But these are not the famous last words I intended to leave for future generations.

I can only assume that money is changing hands on the nightly news.  Like paparazzi photos.  Unless this is standard operating procedure by law enforcement.  Or jury tainting.

I should research this a bit more.  But until I do, I just might be afraid to make a call that saves someone's life.

Scared to Apathy.....

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Inducted abducted induced & obtuse

Belated Congrat's to Rush for their Abduction in the Disco Hall of Fame.  Pinky Lee can really slappa da bass.

The word induction has an unappealing tone for me.  Sounds like you're drafted.  Or infected.  Against one's will.

Seriously-they deserve it.  Better late than never.  Huge victory for all the fans too.  We were a big part of this honor.  Hope you voted.  The "Industry" has ignored them for years.

I'm big fan of all of them.  Together and individually;

Alex taught me awesome chords over the years.  All those jangly open notes.  Drove me nuts in my early days chasing tone - switched to a Hiwatt, and all those noisy pedals I used to have.  Ahhh! Shimmering Chorus!  I knew I had reached a level of competency when I was able to play La Villa Strangiato all the way through.

Geddy is the king of multitasking!  Saw the original Moving Pictures tour from the balcony over his head and watched him push all the buttons with his feet.  Three instruments at once and singing too!  Not bad for a guy with only two arms & legs.  Had to have a Rick when I started to play bass seriously.  And the poor guy has to sing all those BIG LONG WORDS!!!!

...Which leads me to Neil.  I was never a word guy growing up.  Rolling Stone called him the worst lyricist in Rock.  Yeah, he's a little too heady for R&R.

All I can say is a guy who plays drums like that has earned the right to say whatever the fuck he wants!  And if poor Geddy is willing to sing it, so be it.

I have grown to appreciate Neil more over the years.  My personal favorite early period lyrics are 2112, Free Will, Witch Hunt, Subdivisions.  What kid can't identify with Subdivisions?  Now  rediscovering some of the themes from their "lighter"/later catalog lately - lallallalalla - especially that concept album about SEX.  (Go back and check out their entire catalog and you'll figure it out, kids.  Or just look at the album covers!  Naw-I'm too easy.  I want you listen to it too- so I'll leave a hint on this post.)

As a teenager, Mom checked out all my records for Indecency.  This was way before Tipper Gore.   Especially the morning the local AM talkradio geriatric had listeners calling in shock about the drug references on Pink Floyd's-The Wall.

"Yeah Mom, I already have it!  Here-check it out."  Little pin prick.  Big deal.  Check out Young Lust and the Nazi stuff instead!  It's more frightening as a whole-even worse as a movie.  I really gave a crap about Water's psychosis-I was into the sound effects and guitar solos.  In the end, Mom never banned anything, just curiosity I guess, but sometimes she voiced an opinion.  (Wonder where I get that from?)

I remember showing her the lyrics to The Trees as an example of how harmless and whimsical Rush was at the time.  She didn't approve of the ending and thought it was a bit violent.   ????  Well, If you take it literally.  Parents.  WTF.

Much to my amusement, Mother called today to tell me a'boot my 12 year old Godchild's English class project he worked on while visiting her.  Bring in your favorite song lyric as an example of poetry.

Always protective Mom looked over her grandson's shoulder as he used her computer to look up his favorite song on the internet......

The Trees

Another generation will pass this stuff on, regardless of the Honor from Cleveland.  Warms my rotting heart.

I hope teacher plays the music in class too.


Mac over Windows

It's official!

Rotten Roller has more Mac pageviews than Windows.

Must be all those maxi pads people watch videos on.

Since I'm typing on one of Mr. Gates abortions right now, I assure you there is no cheating on my end.

More proof-most of my jokes are corrected by that fanking spud chucker.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Wot? No Idol Comments?

Sorry Kids.  Really can't stand to even look at Sticky Melange.  Wish I had Tivo and could shoot right past her crap analysis.  And wot's with her voice?  Is that even her singing on her records?

And who's that other guy?  At least he has a hot wife.  In all fairness he's a fine Cuntry Picker, just not a great judge.  That makes Randy Jackson of Journey (?) the main draw this year.  The only opinion that matters.  Dawg!  Nice Eyewear Dude!

Haven't been able to sit thru 15 consecutive minutes this season without falling asleep.    And the guys this year really suck.  Thank God for Mariah's boobies!

But if you're gonna base the show on boobs alone, I might give The Voice another shot.  Even though Mariah's a better singer.  But I hear Chestina's are fake.  They sure are nice though.....

I really miss Jello & Grandpappy Steve.  This panel makes Kara DioLaguardia look like the Queen of all media.  Sorry I misjudged you in the past.  You don't know what you've got until it's too Simon.

The catfight isn't even doing it for me.  It's pretty obvious who's the better singer & judge.  Two in a row.
Three if you count the boobs.  Or two.   Or five if you're counting boobs.....
(don't forget SeaShell)


Saturday, February 16, 2013

How Many More Typo's?

Reading "Get the Led Out"-How Led Zeppelin Became the Biggest Band in the World."
Lot's of great tidbits for fanboys like me,  but the hypothesis is never clearly proven or explained.

Case in point-"How Many More Times" track listing printed on their 1st vinyl album cover is just over 3 min.
We all know that song is much longer.  The CD shows it over 8 min.

The author claims it was intentional-shortened so it would get airplay.  Really now?  Come on people.  Give it up.

Wiki is waiting for a citation on this too-going so far as to say it came from the hand of Jimmy Page himself!

All of these nostalgic R&R books coming out show all kinds of scribbled lyrics on crumpled wrappers and track sheets filled out by wasted engineers that make very little sense.

Has anyone seen Jimmy's handwriting other than an autograph?  Do record producers really write out or type up all of the crap they want on the album jacket?

In my business, reading a rusty part number from a 50 year old piece of machinery-
 3's & 8's get mixed up all the time.  And the results are hilarious!  Thousands of dollars and hours of productivity are wasted due to illiteracy on a daily basis in manufacturing in this country.

So I think TYPO'S made Zep the biggest band in the world!
 (and caused the recession!)

It's clear as day, sheeple! On every record!  Some examples;

  • Lead Zeppelin
  • Did you make her?
  • Boogie with "Stew" (for Ian Stewart according to the same book)  
  • Presents (hahaha)

See?  My theory is just as ludicrous as theirs.  Not nearly as cool or mysterious though.

I think it best we go with our guts and stick with the original theory..........

....could it be...........


The "biggest band" claim is flawed as well.  Those guys were relatively fit considering their indulgences.
I think the biggest band is...well it's a tie between BTO & Canned Heat.
(Have ya seen Peter Gabriel lately?)