Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Deep Purple induces Deep Sleep

Rock journalists today don't rock.  Noisecreep's article on the new Deep Purple tour proclaims "if Metallica can do it, any classic rock band worth it's salt" can tour with a symphonic orchestra. 

Huh?  No wonder they won't let me comment.  (Disabled?)   I'll do so here:

You make this sound like a "goal" for a rock band? Worth their salt?  To prove worth?  

Even though I truly enjoy the new sleepy renditions of my old heroes presented in symphonic sound, the truth is, this is a gimmick to keep product in the hands of their aging fans. Rock indeed derives much structure from classical composition. Yet the rock genre was based on the antithesis of symphonic - A smaller group with louder instruments can cause more devastation than a full orchestra.

Not a goal in rock - It's the first sign of semi-retirement. Next stop -PBS special, Branson & Vegas.  

Apologies to Yes, Alan Parsons, Moody Blues, etc-and Purple - I still love you guys.

MENTALLICA?  Fighting for their right to profit is commendable, but I gave up after Master of Muppets.  

Roller Addendum-I was reminded later today by a "Deeper" fan that Purple were originals in this field.....Rare 1970 London Philharmonic recording was their first album with Gillan and Glover.  (Might as well put this in the re-hash category as well.) 
Rotten egg on the Roller for not recognizing an "original".   
Rotten Feces on that Noisecreep bitch for the same, in addition to her gen-X poser Metallicker comparison that ingnited this rant.   BURN!  (Get it?)
Rotten Corpses on the Dictatorship of AOL for not letting me comment in the first place.

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