Sunday, October 30, 2011

Adult Content

3 months away from my baby blog.  Went to check on adsense and found it disabled with message from Big Bro Goog:  "not allowed on sites with adult content."

This is the first time in 48 years I have been associated with anything remotely labeling my person or creations as "adult".

I guess I can stop waiting for that $14.95 check in the mail.  So much for my sure-fire idiot-proof step by step path to internet millions.  

Yet Big Bro Goog stands to profit-as the ads still run!  And my stats show plenty of visitors, whether I'm writing or not!  Finding my sarcastic presentation of consumerism profitable now, are we Goog?
Did someone actually click on a Full Sail ad? 

My favorite-"Screaming For Vengence-Buy it on Amazon".  (If you haven't stolen it already.)  Yep, still down there on the bottom right.

That big yellow-orange-metallic eagle "Hellion" has been a sentinel on this blog for months.  (The Sentinel-on a different Priest album.)

Yep... ad sense works.  Big Bro Goog is watching-profiling-spying-demographing my anonymous self and all you anonymous readers-like an Electric Eye!  On a blog created partly in response to Judas Priest's farewell tour.  Again, Life imitates Art, Rod Serling predicts the future, and it's dark and scary like the Matrix.  And even my little rock and roll fantasy is not safe.

Ironies abound.

Maybe Judas Priest controls the blogoverse & the interweb.  All since the loss of Jobs, this thing is up for grabs.  Al Gore wants nothing to do with his bastard son.  To let it fall into the hands of Tipper's arch enemies really signals the end of civilization.  Mother Mary.  Is this the Meggiddo? Dune?

Tipper's parental advisory.  Immaculate Conception.  Adult content.

Once again I've come full circle in a blog. 

Must be this Mars Volta I'm checking out.   Just like Pink Floyd.. I tell ya....More circles...Isn't this where we ....came in?

Happy Hell O Ween, you little hellions...